Nov 6, 2010

This is where I am.

So, I’ve got a plan now.

Since I decided to get back into the hobby after 7 months of hiatus, I’ve been mainly doing two things: Getting in touch with the Freebootaz again, which are widely known for being the most awesome people in the world for real. And taking inventory to find out what has to be fixed, what hobby resources are still available to me, and what I’ll have to repair/replace. The good news: My army survived being in storage without a scratch. Bad news: Before I can get back to hobby work, I’ll have to replace my superglue, several pots of paint, and possibly my spray primer (we will see about that). Also, I seem to have misplaced my black reach rulebook, but hope isn’t lost yet. Futhermore, I’m organizing a workspace again. I think I’ll cover that in its own blog post, though.

What I’ll definitely cover soon is said plan. My challenge. My mission. My strategy. It’s gonna be ambitious, at least on my scale of things. Not in terms of epicness, but in terms of self-restraint, dedication, resourcefulness. It’s all in my head already, and the materials are being gathered. Schedules are being laid out. It’s on its way, but before I can start explaining where I want to be soon, it’s time to recap where I am right now. First of all, it’ll be about expanding my Star Phantoms, of course. I’ve talked about them before. So it’s time to look back and remind myself, and you, dear readers, how the army looks right now.

Those guys, you know.

So, here's the breakdown of the first 1000 painted, battle-ready points, plus two extra models.
  • HQ: Jump Pack Chaplain
  • HQ: Terminator Librarian
  • TR: 10 Tactical Marines, Missile Launcher, Flamer
  • TR: 10 Tactical Marines, Powerfist, Multi-Melta, Melta
  • TR: 5 Scouts, Sniper Rifles
  • AT: Rhino
  • AT: Razorback, Lascannons
  • FA: 10 Assault Marines, Powerfist, 2 Flamers
  • EL: Dreadnaught, Multi-Melta
  • Lone Bolter Sergeant as a replacement.

Converted plastic Chaplains lead from the front.
Scouting some ruins, 'cause that's what ruin scouts do.
Just ignore those DA symbols for a moment, mkay? My dreadnaught rocks.
A sniper's gotta do what a sniper's gotta do. Five of them, on the other hand...
Note their general lack of orientation and the sergeant's confused gesture. I love my guys.
Hacking BA to pieces while eating apples like they just don't care. Seriously, have a close look. "BORING!"

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Munich, Bavaria, Germany
I'm more or less your usual wargamer / roleplayer / hobby writer / drunk / failed artist / design student / elitist jerk / lazy ass / owner of an overactive imagination. Just floating around on the webs, paying for your attention with wannabe fancy words and pretty pictures. Keep moving, citizen, nothing unusual here.


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