Nov 7, 2010

Shameless Faltering and Plugging.

Yeah, so the fact that the whole internet besides me seems to have preview copies of IA9: The Badab War, part 1 got me nervous. Despite being not enthusiastic at all. Shut up, will ya? I is seriouz internets journalist! With a journal, and stuff! How dare they!

Joking aside, yeah, I commited to browsing the webs a little in search for some information on the Phantom's FW fluff, colors and chapter symbol. No luck so far. What I did instead was something that is incredibly rare for me these days. I downloaded a whole episode of a Podcast I haven't ever checked out yet, promising an extensive review of the book. Why that's special? It's special because since the departure of the original 40k Radio cast broke my heart, I didn't even catch up on the new one. Nope. I did check out Deepstrike Radio because I love the guys who do it. Listen to it, it's awesome, more on that in a seperate post. But they only have released 2 episodes as of yet, so it was easy to get into. But here I committed to 2 hours of listening of a podcast I've never tried yet, for the sake of possible information on my pet chapter of choice and how FW would ruin them for me. It was The Independent Characters, Episode 16.

click me, biatch.

At first, I though I'd skip around the file, looking for the info I wanted, and be done with it. But then, I ended up actually enjoying Carl's and Geoff's ramblings a lot- very sympathetic guys. Also, their coverage on the book was excellent in an unforseen way: After what they told me about the contents of the book, the nature of the fluff included, some spoilers concerning the story, and how FW generally approaches the whole conflict ... I feel hooked. I'm not too interested in the campaign rules section, but man, the story itself sounds awesome. It swept most of my "bwah, bwah, my scheme will be invalid"-butthurt right away when they explained how the Badab War unfolds in FWs version. And, being the visual person (/design whore) I am, I now really want to take a look. My scheme be damned, I want to read it now. Bad. Badab.

Dammit, they've gotten me so far that I'm actually already planning what to do about my army to fit in closer into the upcoming Badab War canon. Considering different approaches and stuff, depending on how far off I am. And I seriously consider buying the book now. I guess this means selling stuff on ebay again, but oh well. More on that in another post.

Forge World. Do you hear me? Pay those guys money. Hire them. I think they just sold me something I hated when I first heard about it.

Ithmaril, signing out.


  1. Thanks for the comments about the episode and the show! We have an extreme fondness for this episode in particular. I, like you, was not particularly excited about Imperial Armour 9. But man, once I read through it - I'm a fan. I was a huge fan of Siege of Vraks - but not so much for Raid on Kastorel Novem. This book made up for IA8 in spades.

    We have played several boarding action games now and I can assure you it is great fun! We really cannot recommend this book enough.

  2. Good to know and thanks a lot for stopping by! Keep up the great work on your podcast, you've definitly got yourself a new listener here.


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Munich, Bavaria, Germany
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