Dec 17, 2010

And The Children Shall Lead

Yeah, crazy week. No details, again, but let's just say that up until the 23rd, life has me by the balls right and proper. Also, I'm in the process of getting leisure-time drunk right now for a change, and on my way to chill with some friends who intend to do the same. But having had another tour of shopping today, and after getting in an hour of hobby time, I figured that a small update would be in place. So, here it is.

Test model time! I've spent some spare time here and there over the past 2-3 weeks to nail down the bits mix and general style of my up and coming EC project. This guy will serve as the test model for my initial scheme. I decided to stick to the basic plastic CSM bodies (meaning a close selection of bits, stay tuned for more on that) while using a set of old Noise Marine guns, and several of the new. That's the first baby steps I'm taking towards building the army. Not seen on the pic: I replaced his left arm with a plastic one in order to leave the shoulder unpadded, as I intend to do something special for their left shoulderpads, army-wide. Not hard to figure out: I'm gonna use the actual GW metal cast EC pads.

So, here's how far I've gotten with the scheme itself:

It's basically an inversion of the current "official" Noise Marine scheme, with some blue added in for certain icons, details, and the eyes, for a contrast to the pink. Also, gold in unusual places.

Now, I've put loads of thinking into upcoming conversions, style, bits to use, further gimmicks, and the list itself, but I'll save them up for a more focused post. In the meantime, thanks for putting up with busy me, it'll all get better next year. Bah. Also, I've also prepared some Star Phantoms for painting, I just gotta find the time to do the prep and get at it: Sorting through paint pots, checking my primer cans, setting up a workspace, painting. I'm sure this will happen soon... -ish. It's another important step of getting back into the whole thing. More on that at another point in time.

Ithmaril out.


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Munich, Bavaria, Germany
I'm more or less your usual wargamer / roleplayer / hobby writer / drunk / failed artist / design student / elitist jerk / lazy ass / owner of an overactive imagination. Just floating around on the webs, paying for your attention with wannabe fancy words and pretty pictures. Keep moving, citizen, nothing unusual here.


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