Dec 11, 2010

Lifesign, Vol. 2

Who would have thought that December could get me so busy? Heh. Here's some irony for you. Not gonna go too deep into that, though. It's mostly life business, you know, the part you're not here to read about. So, back to the few hobbyisms that fit into my schedule for the last, oh, I don't know, 2 weeks. Those short, kinda irregular updates might very well continue into the new year, but hey, it's better than nothing I guess. Also, those should serve you as reminders that I'm still all enthusiastic and motivated, and that this is more a matter of time management than anything else.

Conflict Management indeed. Anyway, here's the breakdown:

  • As of now, my hobby plan for the new year, and subject of the pledges to come, will be all about expanding my Star Phantoms (in a very special way, hinthint) and building a small, different army next to it. Yeah, that's a rather short summary, but stuff will be epic. I'd love to talk about it all for hours, but I lack the time at the moment, so I'll save it for some free time in which I can unload all my excitement and enthusiasm right in your face. (Okay, I didn't mean to make it sound so pr0nriffic, but here you go. Another way to express enthusiasm, I guess.)
  • In the meantime, here's a pic of my wip, almost finished (converting-wise) Venerable-or-not-Dreadnaught-with-tons-of-guns. Hey, you're not here for pretty words after all. There's better places for that than some crazy german guy's blog.
  • My friends from Deepstrike Radio have released their fifth episode. I didn't find the (hobby) time to listen to it yet, but I'm looking forward to it. Also, they will run a Christmas Call-In special and a contest. Excellent stuff, I'll definitly call in. Last two links lead to topics at the forums by the way. Small signup fee to keep it a quality gathering place, great community, so sign up there if you like your forums troll-free, friendly, helpful, and familial.

In case you don't hear from me for a while again, have a great holiday season.



About Me

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Munich, Bavaria, Germany
I'm more or less your usual wargamer / roleplayer / hobby writer / drunk / failed artist / design student / elitist jerk / lazy ass / owner of an overactive imagination. Just floating around on the webs, paying for your attention with wannabe fancy words and pretty pictures. Keep moving, citizen, nothing unusual here.


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